Berthold Golman Lecture by Laurent LevySpecial course Combining several in arbitral… by Catherine KessedjianSpecial course Arbitration & Policy By Jean-Baptiste RacinePCA Workshop by Brooks DalyInteractive workshop on international arbitrationCAS Workshop by William SternheimerICC Workshop by Alexander Fessas & Maria Hauser MorelSpecial Course Conflicts of interest… by Mohamed S. AbdelSpecial Course The annulled international award by Haris PamboukisSpecial Seminar on QuantumOpening Meeting with Daniel CohenSpecial Course Is arbitration truly international by Funke AdekoyaGeneral Course on Investment Arbitration by Gary BornMIDS Cocktail at the ICCICSID Workshop by Aurelia AntoniettiSpecial Course Arbitration and EU law by Jan KleinheisterkampSeminar on UNCITRAL by Benjamin SiinoClosing MeetingInaugural lecture by Luca RadicatiBrown Bag Lunch with Daniel CohenICC Workshop by Ana Serra e Moura & Gabriele RuscallaCocktail at Shearman & SterlingLaureates of the Academy’s Prize