Scholarships are available only for students and are valued at EUR 2,000 (from which the tuition fee of EUR 900 will be deducted). Travel expenses will not be reimbursed.
Scholarships will cover the Academy’s tuition and/or accommodation and will be available to applicants who demonstrate a need for financial aid. Selection criteria will also include academic excellence and extra-curricular activities.

Students applying for a scholarship must provide the following additional documents:

  • a statement explaining the reasons for the request, 1-2 pages, typewritten, in English (this statement is different from the personal statement required for the application);
  • a letter of recommendation (in English or French);
  • a copy of an official identity document with a photograph;
  • any other documents justifying the need and/or suitability for a scholarship.

Decisions on scholarships will be made by the Selection Committee and are independent of the decision on the candidate’s admission to the Academy. Applicants will be notified of the Selection Committee’s decision regarding their scholarship application by mid-June 2021.