Laureate of the Academy Prize | Participation Rules

  1. Each year, the Arbitration Academy will award the ‘Laureate of the Academy’ Prize to the Academy participant having written the best essay on a compulsory topic proposed to all participants at the outset of the Session.  The participants will have two weeks to prepare and submit their piece, which a Jury composed of members of the Faculty and members of the Executive Board will review.  The Prize will be awarded to the Laureate of the Academy during the final week of the Session, and the essay having obtained the Prize will be published in the volume of publications of the Academy’s Courses.
  2. Participation is voluntary.
  3. The essay and a cover letter should be sent in the PDF format to
  4. Format requirements:
    • 2000 words maximum;
    • no footnotes or other references;
    • typed essay;
    • font: Times New Roman size 12;
    • 1.2 inch margins on all sides;
    • double-spaced;
    • Anonymity condition: the name of the candidate should not appear on the essay.  Any element or reference which could enable the identification of the candidate would disqualify the submission. The name of the candidate should be stated in the separate cover letter. The identity of the candidates will become known to the Jury only after it has chosen the best essay.
  5. The essay competing for the Prize must be an original and unpublished piece.