Mission et Démission de l’Arbitre international (International arbitrators’ fulfilment of their mandate)
Pierre Lalive
Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Geneva; Partner, Lalive

Historic arbitration stories: the Lena Goldfields arbitration
V.V. Veeder QC
Barrister, Essex Court Chambers

The development of investment arbitration
Christoph Schreuer Of Counsel, Wolf & Theiss, Vienna; Former Professor of International Law, University of Vienna
- Gateway issues in international arbitration in the United States
George A. Bermann
Professor of Law, Columbia University School of Law; Director, European Legal Studies Center
- State Consent in Investment Arbitration
Pierre-Marie Dupuy
Professor of Law, The Graduate Institute, Geneva
- Favor arbitrandum in Latin America
Diego P. Fernández Arroyo
Professor of Law, Sciences Po, Paris
- Provisional measures in international arbitration
Francois Knoepfler
Partner, KGG & Associés; Honorary Professor, University of Neuchâtel
- The new French law on international arbitration
Pierre Mayer
Professor of Law, University Panthéon-Sorbonne; Partner, Dechert LLP
- Insolvency proceedings and international arbitration
Klaus M. Sachs
Partner, CMS Hasche Sigle; Lecturer on international arbitration law at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
- Evidence and the use of experts in international arbitration
Michael E. Schneider
Partner, Lalive; President of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
- Workshop 1 – ICC Arbitration practice
Simon Greenberg
Deputy Secretary General, ICC International Court of Arbitration
- Workshop 2 – PCA Arbitration practice
Brooks W. Daly
Deputy Secretary-General and Principal Legal Counsel, Permanent Court of Arbitration
- Workshop 3 – ICSID Arbitration practice
Eloïse Obadia
Senior Counsel, ICSID